Welcome to the start of your Charity Race Night!
A Race Night is an ideal Social Event and over the years they have helped many to raise valuable and much needed funds.
And Race Nights are fun for everyone - no matter the age!
People will be keen to help fund your Organisation so ahead of your actual Race Night we’ll provide you with our Sponsor Forms
letting you raise money by way of Sponsorship of the individual Races and the actual Race Runners - Horses, Greyhounds or Novelty Races.
So, even before your actual Race Night, you’ll have a GUARANTEED amount of money.
As an extra incentive to Race Sponsors, you can tell them that their name will appear on the Race Card shown at the start of Betting on their Sponsored Race.
You can also decide to encourage Sponsors of individual Race Runners by offering a Cash Prize
that will be given to the Sponsors of each Race Winner.
The Tote System used to take Bets and Pay-Outs on each Race, GUARANTEES to make a profit because
your Organisation keeps a specific percentage of all the money bet on each Race.
On the night you’ll have full control of all the Race Money - taking Tote Bets from your Guests and handing out Winnings – and we’ll be there to help you.
We will run our computerised Tote System that will calculate the amount of Profit going to your Charity or Organisation
and the amount you’ll Pay-Out to all those lucky enough to of placed a Bet on the Race Winner.
Then there are other opportunities to make even more money!
You may decide to sell Tickets for the Event and sometimes it is feasible to make a profit on the sale of food.
You can generate even more money by holding a Raffle and/or a Tombola for Donated Prizes.
Selling numbers on our Tri-Cast Sheets can generate upto £168 Profit.... and think about auctioning off the Last Race.
Based in Nottingham and serving Central England, we have many years’ experience of hosting Race Nights
for many clients - Charities, Organisations, Clubs or businesses.
We Set-Up the Projection Screen, Video Projector, Sound System and will host the event – familiarising your Guests with the Race Night,
the Tote System, Introducing each Race, entering Bets in to our Tote Computer, running each Race,
calculating the amount of the Pay-Out to those who bet on the Race Winner and,
importantly, calculating how much Profit the Races have generated for your Organisation.
For more information or to check availability, please contact us on 077 7566 7566 or send an email to john-uk@live.com